
Lhuentse is 77 km from Mongar (3 hours drive) and is one of the most isolated districts in the country. The landscape here is spectacular with stark cliffs and gorges and dense coniferous forests. The region is notably famed for its weavers and their special textiles generally considered to be the best in the country. The Kurtoe region of Lhuentse is also the ancestral home of our Kings and boasts some sacred sites of pilgrimage in the country. Some of the finest weaving villages in Bhutan are found in Lhuentse. These are the traditional kushitara weavers, who have been the weavers to the royal family for generations.


  • Lhuentse Dzong

Lhuentse Dzong, popularly known as Lhundub Rinchentse Dzong, was built in 1654 by the Trongsa Penlop Chogyal Minjur Tempa at a site where once stood a small temple built by Nagi Wangchuk in 1552. The dzong is set on a hill top and is very graceful. The Dzong has two divisions known as Dzong Thogma and Dzong Wogma. The Thogma or the upper part belongs exclusively to the monk body, while the Dzongkhag district administration occupies the Wogma. The Dzong houses many sacred artifacts that was installed by the 4th Druk Desid Tenzin Rabgay.

  • Kilung Lhakhang

Kilung lhakhang is located in Kilung Village about twenty minutes drive away from Lhuentse Dzong towards Kurtoe Dungkar. The Lhakhang was built on the edge overlooking the Kurichu river. The Lhakhang has the sacred chain mall once used to recapture a statue that miraculously flew away from the Lhuentse Dzong

  • Jangchubling Monastery

This is another monastery worth paying a visit. It was founded in the 18th century by Pekar Gyatso and till recently was under the patronage of the 16th Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorji. The daughter of Bhutan’s first king, Her Royal Highness Ashi Wangmo lived out the end of her days as a nun at the monastery.

  • Dungkar Nagtshang

Dungkar Nagtshang is located 40 Km away from Lhuentse. Many of the noble lineges were emerged from Kurtoe. Among the noble lineages, the house of Dungkar was home to the Trongsa Penlop Jigme Namgyal, progenitor of the Wangchuck dynasty. Besides home of the Dungkar Chojie and Wangchuck Dynasty, it is also view point where we can witness scenic backdrop of towering mountains, green and fresh surrounding and beautiful tiny Dungkar village.

  • Gangzur Village

Gangzur Village is the most popular and well known village for pottery. It is situated two Kilometer away from Lhuentse Dzong. The women folk from the village are skilled artisans and adept in the art of pottery. A dying art, the Government has now tried to revive it through financial support. You can witness the women folk displaying their skills.

  • Koma Village

At a distance of two hours walk from the Dzong, the village is most well-known and popular in the country for its woven Textile Known as Kishuthara. The Kishuthara is woven in a unique in design and patterns and the culture has evolved over the years. It is purely handmade textile and is one of the most expensive and valuable clothing for Bhutanese women. It is worn by the Bhutanese women occasional during Tshechus and festivals. Picking up a Kishuthara will be much cheaper than buying one from the handicraft shops in the capital.

  • Singye Dzong

Singye Dzong is located 3 days walk uphill from the Lhuentse Dzong. The most of the places nearby Singye Dzong is blessed by Guru Ringpoche, the precious Tantric Master. The Dzong itself is the main sacred place where Guru Rinpoche meditated. It is one of the most important sites of pilgrimage in Bhutan.