
Trongsa is the ancestral home of the royal family. Trongsa forms the central hub of the nation and is historically the place from where a penlop effectively control the entire east and west of the country. Both His Majesty King Ugyen Wangchuck, the Penlop of Trongsa, who was elected the country’s first hereditary monarch and his successor, King Jigme Wangchuck, ruled the country from Trongsa ancient seat. The crown prince of Bhutan traditionally becomes “penlop” (governor) of Trongsa before being crowned king.

  • Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong was built in 1648 and holds a great historical importance. Both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat.  It is customary for all the kings of Bhutan to be invested as Trongsa Penlop (“governor”) prior to ascending the throne. Protected from invaders by an impenetrable valley, Trongsa Dzong is an impregnable fortress. The Dzong itself is a labyrinth of temples, corridors and offices holding court over the local community. It is built on many levels into the side of the hill and can be seen from every approach to Trongsa heralding its strength as a defensive stronghold.

  • Ta Dzong

Ta Dzong, or the watchtower that once guarded the dzong from internal rebellion, looms impressively over the dzong. It was built in 1652 by Chogyal Minjur Tempa, a task entrusted to him by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. After more than 350 years, it has been resurrected into a classy museum that represents a tasteful blend of tradition and modernity. The tower has always been a place of retreat and there are hermits in practice, including two yogis, who are in life long meditation. A visit to this former watchtower provides visitors with an insight into the significance of Trongsa in Bhutan’s history. As of date the Ta Dzong of Trongsa is the most fascinating museum of the nation.

  • Thruepang Palace

His majesty the Third king of Bhutan, King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck was born in this palace on 2nd May 1928. His Majesty was born to King Jigme Wangchuck and Ashi Puntsho Choden. The two-storied Thruepang palace is located above the highway in the town. His majesty spent most of his early childhood days here in this Thurepang Palace.

  • Chendebji Chorten

Chendebji Chorten, is located on the way to Trongsa. It is a Nepalese style stupa patterned on Swayambhunath or Bodnath temple in Kathmandu. It was built in 18th century by Lama Shida, from Tibet, to cover the remains of an evil spirit that was subdued at this spot.

  • Kuenga Rabten

Kuenga Rabten palace is 23km from Trongsa dzong. This palace was the winter palace of the second King and now looked after by National Commission for Cultural Affairs. It offers good insight into the early days of Bhutan monarchy.